Kids Photo Sessions

As a photographer, I’ve noticed a gap in time that occurs for many families. We often capture our kids as newborns and toddlers, documenting every milestone with lovely portraits. Then at the opposite end of childhood, it’s senior picture time and we have a multitude of gorgeous shots of our kids on the cusp of adulthood. But what about those middle years? Too often we forget about the rapid growth that occurs in adolescents. There is really something magical about this time-maybe you can still see the chubby cheeked two year old in your 6th grader, but all of the sudden you can also see glimpses of the young lady she’s becoming. The late elementary and middle school years can be hard on kids dealing with their changing selves and maintaining healthy self confidence and self image. Portraits celebrating their individuality can help them see their own beauty and boost self esteem.

Portrait of girl with book

Individual Kid Portrait Sessions   $300

These sessions are 1 hr, they include a creative consultation before the session and a gallery of 15 fully edited, high resolution digital images with release.

Children’s photography sessions can also be scheduled around any special events in their lives, such as first communions or graduating from elementary school. Sometimes things that seem small to adults can be a huge deal for a kid. Keep this in mind when scheduling your sessions-maybe your son just hit his first home run-might want to plan some shots in uniform showing off the ball! All of my sessions can be individually tailored so don’t be afraid to let me know if you would like to customize!